Hypersexuality is defined as “exhibiting unusual or excessive concern with or indulgence in sexual activity.” In short, hypersexuality is a behavioral addiction in which the individual has a preoccupation with sexual fantasy. This can manifest in a variety of ways, but when it comes down to it, you may never feel satisfied after sex or masturbation and put other elements in your life at risk because of it. Let’s look more closely at how hypersexuality can impact you.
Hypersexuality doesn’t necessarily have definite determiners. After all, what is a “high” sex drive or a “low” sex drive? We often compare these to those we are having sex with. As a sexual health condition, though, hypersexuality often reveals itself in the obsessive pursuit of casual sex, pornography, compulsive masturbation, or objectified partner sex for at least six months. No matter how much sex or masturbation you get, you may never feel satisfied or feel that it is “enough.” You may feel shame from the persistent fantasies you have or regularly sacrifice work, sleep, or social time for sexual exploits. You may experience sore genitals from excessive sexual activity or feel bad that your pursuit of sexual satisfaction prevents a genuine relationship.
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